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Girl's Dress Sew-Along Lesson 6: Sewing the Armholes with the Burrito Method!

Sewing the Armholes using the Burrito Method

Welcome to Lesson 6! Today we are going to finish sewing our bodice by sewing up the armholes using the burrito method and then sewing up our side seams. Remember you can find all the lessons here. If you are enjoying these tutorials, don't forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter of sewing tips and news (I never share your personal information) and receive the Daisy Smocking plate as my free gift. The video is below, so let's start sewing!

Mark and Roll the Fabric.

With the purple marker, make a dot 1/2" from each end of the armhole on the fashion fabric wrong side. With the bodice facing up, roll the bodice from one side to the other.

Rolling the bodice to the other side

Reach under the rolled up bodice and pull just the lining out and over the top of the rolled up bodice.

Pulling the lining out from under the roll to pin to the bodice.

Pin the lining to the fashion fabric at the armhole edge, right sides together, starting by matching up the shoulder seams and working out to the edges. The bodice will be rolled up in the middle.

The bodice rolled and pinned to be sewn using the burrito method.

Sew and Trim the Armhole Seam

Stitch from purple dot to purple dot, backtacking at each end. Trim the armhole seam to a scant 1/4" and make clips in the seam allowance near the shoulder. Turn right side out by first pulling through the back bodice waist. Then use the eraser end of a pencil and tweezers to pull the back bodice through the shoulder. Repeat on the other side. Press everything flat from the lining side, slightly rolling the lining to the wrong side so it doesn't show on the right side.

The Side Seams sewn together

Sew the Side Seams of the Bodice.

Open out the lining and the fashion fabric at the side seams. With right sides together, pin the bodice right front to the bodice right back matching fashion fabric with fashion fabric and lining with lining. Where the armhole meets, push the lining seam allowance toward the lining and the fashion fabric seam allowance toward the fashion fabric. A small "v" will form. Stitch the seam from raw edge to raw edge using a 1/2" seam allowance. You will just catch the armhole at the "v". Repeat for the other side. Press the seam allowance open and everything flat. Congratulations, you have a beautifully finished armhole and bodice!

Finished Armhole and Neckline

Next lesson, we start on the skirt! Happy Sewing!


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